APJ Abdul Kalam is a real story example of what education and determination can give to the humblest of humble man on earth. He scripted the pride of India and his work soared to the sky above as he was the mind behind all the major missiles—Nag, Agni, Trishul, Prthvi. What is intriguing about the man is the fact that how beautifully the two opposites amalgamated in his personality. Coming from the hublest background, he rose to the higest office of the biggest democracy of the world, being a Muslim how well versed was the man with Bhagwat Gita. Those of us, who have heard his brilliant lectures will agree how his deliveries had ample anecdotes from the holy book. How despite discussing and deliberating on issues of national security and international camaraderie with heads of the State he still found his true happiness when he was surrounded by little children. From a small child to the head of a State and a scientist, everyone could relate with him. Isn’t it interesting? His thoughts, principles and ideas live long, live so long that they become parts of our personality and our thoughts. What better respect can we give this man than living up to the ideals he shared and helped us rethink our lives in a fresher way. Here is a collection of his some powerful quotes and their meaning, interpretation for our lives.