Techkriti’15 is giving the prestigious opportunity to the budding engineers of this nation to gain some real scientific perspective. It has arranged for talks from highly renowned people who are stalwarts in their respective field: Dr. K. Radhakrishnan, Former Chairman, ISRO. Also the former chairman of the Indian Institutes of Engineering Science and Technology, he is a life fellow of the Indian Geophysical Union. The much debated question of whether God exists remains unanswered but that of the God particle has been answered. To deal with this hot topic of science, Techkriti’15 has invited none other than the co-founder of the Higgs Boson Particle, Dr. Carl R. Hagen. An alumni of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, he is also a fellow of the American Physical Society. He has been the recipient of the Department's Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award. We will be having him as the speaker on the very first day of Techkriti’15.