In Hisar, Haryana, he was hit by a young man who claimed to be a supporter of Anna Hazare and reportedly said that he was annoyed with the manner in which the latter had taken control over the movement. In Varanasi, protesters threw eggs and ink at him. An auto-rickshaw driver named Lalli expressed his dissatisfaction at the way the AAP worked during its days in power in Delhi and slapped him. Later, Lalli apologised to Kejriwal and was forgiven of course. Because of the way in which some believe he has manipulated the Anna movement, or since he and his party did a terrible job in Delhi, or since hooligans are finding his very presence in Varanasi in a contest against Modi plain despicable, or because a supposedly former worker of the BJP who didn't like Kejriwal gave vent to his annoyance only to join the AAP later, the AAP boss has created a record of sorts.